Welcome to

The Still Point


A community, refuge, and deeply spiritual education to help you find stillness in an ever-turning world

  • Monthly, recorded Akashic channelings with Laura Coe
  • Guided practice sessions to help you access your own Guides
  • Guided meditations to connect into your deepest being
  • Monthly, LIVE Soul Club, the book club for your soul
  • On demand access to Level 1 Classes
  • Just $29 per month, cancel anytime.
Join Now

Laura Coe is at the forefront of a revolution, giving people first-row access to the ancient wisdom of the Akashic Records.

- Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times bestselling author and world-renowned transformational teacher


We're all souls on a journey of discovering Truth.


Maybe you left religion, and came into spirituality. Maybe you left both and felt that, while there was something more, you weren’t quite sure what to believe. Maybe you've never had a place to call home, or a safe refuge. Or, like everyone else, you wonder: is this all there is to life? Am I on the right path, doing what I'm meant to be doing?


Discovering the answers to those questions is why I created The Still Point, a community gathered around the timeless wisdom of The Akashic Records, the energetic space that holds all of our soul's histories.

The Still Point is a Refuge for Soul Growth.

Here, your personal questions will be answered (by me and the Akashic realm) and you'll get connect directly with your guides, all within a community learning an Akashic education on the soul's every facet—from soul inception through death.

The Still Point is a living, breathing constellation of fellow souls and seekers. In an world shifting beneath our feet, it’s a place to stay connected to your soul and evolve.

We’ll cover the biggest topics that define our lives from the perspective of the Akashic Records—timeless wisdom that will keep you connected to your own stillness, boundless love, and authentic self.


Join The Still Point


We all have a space—a still point—where “the dance” of life really happens.


The dance is what we’re all trying to connect to, and live out. We want that dance to inform our decisions, inform our lives, inform how we show up. 

And the dance itself is our Soul. 

But, life, the mind, beliefs, and reality itself get in the way of our soul's growth. The Still Point is is the spiritual education, refuge, and community that’s designed to change that, in one fell swoop.


Welcome to
the Little Soul School

We've all gone to school for our minds. Now, you can enter the school for your soul.

Using an ancient and profound technology called the Akashic Records, instructor Laura Coe is compiling a library of lessons to expand our spiritual education and unlock our soul's true potential.

After teaching hundreds of everyday people how to access the Records, Laura designed the Little Soul School to teach you how to access the Records on your own, and to continue your education with a library of Akashic wisdom.


This is the spiritual education you never received. 


Since Laura's calendar for 1:1 Akashic Record Readings is booked through 2027, The Still Point is the easiest way to learn from her directly.

The commitment is monthly, so you can pause or cancel anytime. But, if you stick with me, you’ll get a complete spiritual education.



  • Monthly, recorded Akashic channelings with Laura Coe
  • Guided practice sessions to help you access your own Guides
  • Group meditations to connect into your deepest being
  • Ongoing connection with a community of like-minded seekers
  • Learn how to access the Akashic records from the Akashic Records
  • Unlimited access to a growing library of Akashic wisdom
  • Just $29 per month, cancel anytime.

About Laura Coe

Laura Coe was born in Chicago, Illinois. She found her calling in philosophy, which she studied at Brandeis, as well as in graduate school at Tufts University. After realizing she didn’t want to pursue academia, she went on to become a healthcare tech entrepreneur. After selling her company in 2006, she came back to her philosophical roots and wrote Emotional Obesity, as well as hosted the popular podcast, The Art of Authenticity. When Laura came across the Akashic Records—a way to systematically deepen the connection to your authentic voice—she found that the wisdom of the Records changed the trajectory of her work, and she used it to author The Nature of series. Her writing has been featured in Forbes, The Huffington Post, Inc., Thought Catalog, The New York Observer, and more.

© 2022 Laura Coe