Book Your Akashic Record Reading


A private reading will give you specific guidance on how to heal, change, and deeply transform your life so you can live your soul’s purpose. From learning why you are here and whether you are on the “right” path, to healing relationships, removing karma, to simply feeling more happiness and joy, each reading allows an insight to help you unlock more potential for an easier, more loving and joyous life experience.


Book Your Reading

A Note from Laura Coe

Hey there,

I'm so glad you're here! The Akashic Records have changed my own life, which is why I've devoted everything to sharing it with as many people as I can.

To serve our growing community better, I have hand selected five exceptionally gifted Akashic Record readers that I trust. When I need a personal reading, these are the people I turn to.

They’re my inner circle and you, too, now have access to them simply by scrolling below.


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Can't find a time with Laura, we release new times frequently. Add your name to the waitlist below to be notified.

Or join our new program, The Still Point, where Laura will access the Akashic Realm to answer all of your questions. Join now The Still Point.

Sharon Roemmel

Guides people who are disappointed with the gap between their dreams and the life they’re living. She accesses the akashic records to help you understand your purpose and to clear blocks to living that purpose. Her readings are interactive, supportive, and healing. Sharon draws on 30-plus years of work as a healer and teacher.

Book now with Sharon - $175


Everyone has the knowledge within themselves. Through The Akashic Realm, I help my clients connect to what their soul already knows, moving beyond ego to true-self. My purpose is to help others approach life from a place that is in flow, easeful, and nurturing. With the Records, we shift fear-based thinking into a love-based practice, empowering clients to live in alignment with their true authenticity. In addition to Akashic Records Reading, my personal practice includes hypnotherapy, past-life regression and psycho-spiritual coaching. My goal is to reconnect clients to their heart-center and discovery of their true essence.

Book now with Anita - $175

JulieAnn Graham

I have spent the last 30 years studying healing and artistic practices to guide others into their true selves. Finding the Akashic Records was like coming home. They have helped me find my true center and I’m passionate about helping others to find theirs. In my readings, I help my clients find purpose, heal, and connect back into their true authentic selves. I love to hold the divine healing energy with them as we discover the wisdom of their records. In addition to the Akashic Records, I practice Reiki, Ortho-Bionomy Phase 7 Life Mastery healing and coaching, and I am the founder of Flow-Mind/Body LLC.

Book now with JulieAnn - $175

Nirali Khandelwal

As a child I always felt a deep connection to spirituality and was always eager to learn more. Growing up in an Indian household exposed me to many beautiful traditions, but more importantly sparked a curiosity around diving deep into teachings surrounding karma, reincarnation, nonviolence and love. Through studying various modalities and cultivating my own spiritual practice, I found the Akashic Records. The beauty of the records have allowed me to rekindle my joy, let go of judgements and live a fuller life. I truly enjoy allowing the energy of the records to flow so we may receive knowledge and insights into our own soul's journey. With the guidance given to us, we may begin to take steps to remove blockages, see things in a new way, and move towards fulfilling our purpose. I am truly grateful and honored to share this beautiful process with you.

Book now with Nirali - $175

Alejandra Linquist

My lifelong quest into spirituality and interest in what the meaning of life led me to the Akashic Records. I like to open the Records to help others better understand the meaning of their lives by connecting to the guidance, exploring past lives, or perhaps connecting to a loved one who has passed. I have five years of experience in opening the Records, and my readings are an hour long. They can be done in English or Spanish.

Book now with Alejandra - $175

Tammy Stone

Why are you here? What are you here to fulfill? How can you heal the obstacles you face on your path? The Akashic Records are an incredibly loving and supportive space, and your guides want nothing more than for you to find joy, to succeed and to thrive. Working in the Akashic realm is a true gift for me – one I would love to share with you. My experiences as a Reiki Master, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, meditator, yogini and student of the spiritual life have helped bring me to this moment, and I would be honored to help you on your journey exploring and falling in love with the Grand Story of You.

Book now with Tammy - $175

Mohnish Soundararajan

Getting your first reading can be tough. You might not be sure what to expect—but know, the answers to your soul are already within. For me, the Akashic Records have been deeply transformative—and it can help you connect back to your truest path, your sense of who you know you already are. I’ll guide you each step of the way, and help you find your own unique story, your own unique guidance, and find steps that’ll align you to the best part of yourself—the part of yourself you’ve always known is there. When we live in alignment with our soul, our heart, and our deep felt sense of who we already are, life feels like spring again and we come alive. Take a deep dive with the Akashic Records—I’d love to join you. 

Book now with Mohnish - $175

Join the Waitlist

Private readings with Laura are currently backlisted through August 2027. To put your name on the waitlist, please complete the short form below. Thank you!

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© 2022 Laura Coe